**.TRAVEL Important Policy Announcement**

  • 發佈時間:2010-08-27

  • 瀏覽次數:4651

  • August 20, 2010–Important policy changes will take effect on September 20, 2010. A summary of these policy changes is found below.

    You may review the current .travel policies here.

    New Announcement:

    August 20, 2010-The following are several policy changes that were approved by the Board of Directors of The Travel Partnership Corporation on June 18, 2010.

    The amended Registry Policies document, including these new policy changes is found here.

    These policies will take effect on September 20, 2010.

    Industry Participation
    Policy 1.1 of the Registry Policies, will be amended by adding an industry sector, listing the following new eligible sector: “22. Creators and providers of travel and tourism products, services, and content”

    Name Use Policy
    The Board of TTPC has approved a change to the name use policy of the .travel top level domain permitting the Registry to put in place incentives for name use, at its discretion. At the effective date of this policy change the current name use policy will be terminated and will be replaced by incentive policies and programs that will be announced by the Registry from time to time.

    New Authentication Review Procedures
    Sections 3.3 of the Registry Policies currently provides the Registry the discretion to develop authentication procedures that allow for authentication either prior to or after registration of a domain name.

    The Board of TTPC has approved a policy permitting the Registry to develop ways to improve the eligibility review process to meet the expectations of registrars and registrants. The Registry must submit any new procedures to the TTPC Board for 30-day review prior to implementation. Until new procedures are submitted and given a 30-day review, current policies and procedures remain in place.

    The Registry and TTPC will provide notification of such changes to registrars and registrants through its usual channels of communication.


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