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Super intelligence Anti-spam technology

  • 發佈時間:2009-07-08

  • 瀏覽次數:5587

  • Advanced artificial intelligence simulation technique was used for our anti-spam filter in our website.Our computer could distinguish which is spam email like human by using "fuzzy set" and four layer Anti-spam filter technology,man-machine integration could make Anti-spam more efficient. This brand new technology will let you don't troubled by the spam again, Anti-spam mission success rate could reach 99.8%.
    what is spam?
       in a way, the definition of spam is,those peopel do not want to receive.
    such as:
      1.Business advertisement.For public their new products,many company use the emails.
      2.political speech. Sometimes you will receive some emails which send by reactionary organization from other countries,same as the Business Advertisement,public their speech.   
      3.Mailing worm.More and more virus through email quickly spread,and that is a really effective way.
      4.Wicked email. Threaten,cheating email. Like phishing,this is a email from a fake website,totally a artifice for getting people's important information like creadit card.
    Relatively speaking Fileter is the simplest method for dealing with the Spam.This technology apply in receiving system(MUA,liek OUTLOOK EXPRESS or MTA,like sendmail) for distinguishing and dealing with spam.Our Filter technology is more efficient compared to other technology like Anti-spam plug-in,Anti-spam gateway,client's side Anti-spam and so on.

    Black List and White List

    Black List and White List.They are knowned spam address or trusty sender's IP address.At present more and more organizations are making the block list,collecting the IP address where often sendind the spam.Like Spamhaus Block List,could shared in big range. Many ISP using Blolk List for dealing with the spam.White List using the same way just opposite to Black List.
    We use Black&White List for dealing with the spam, including MUA and MTA,more in MTA,since it could reduce the burdens for the server efficiently.

