Domain Name Renewals
Have you received a domain name registration renewal reminder from your registrar recently? Have you acted on it? If not, you may want to consider renewing your name right now.
Life is busy and stuff happens. That domain renewal reminder sitting in your inbox (or filed away "safely" for later) can wind up further and further down your to-do list until you forget it altogether.
This scenario seems to be what happened with the USA’s Dallas Cowboys football team.
According to Dallas News, apparently the team basically forgot to renew the domain name and it expired. After expiry, the site no longer displayed and was replaced with a page stating that the domain name was now for sale.
Once the issue was realised, the domain was renewed – but it can take up to a couple of days for everything to be back to what it was due to what’s known as the "DNS (Domain Name System) propagation window"; the period of time it takes for updated details to reach all name servers in every part of the world.
For online business owners large and small, this downtime could cost thousands of dollars in sales; all due to a simple and easily avoidable error.
Our days are filled with distractions – but when considering if you can spare a few minutes to renew your domain name as soon as you receive your renewal notice – ask yourself if you can afford not to.
Another common problem that sees this sort of issue occurring is when domain name registrants fail to keep their contact details up to date – particularly email addresses. It’s the admin contact email address on the domain record that renewal reminders go to. You can check your details by either logging into your domain name control interface or by using a WhoIs application