Microsoft gets hands on domain name
Microsoft,the United States-based multinational computer technology corporation has recently won a domain name case covering a domain name,against 500 Cars Ltd . The company submitted a complaint to the National Arbitration Forum,asserting legal rights over the disputed domain name , .
Microsoft owns many trademark registrations for the "Microsoft" mark.Therefore,they contended that the disputed domain name is confusingly similar to its trademark.
Moreover,they contended that the respondent registered and used the disputed domain name in bad faith :
"Respondent’s commercial website which sold automobile and vehicle products and services unrelated to Complainant’s business and for financial gain. The Panel finds that this use of the confusingly similar domain name for commercial gain constitutes bad faith ."
The respondent failed to submit a response in this proceeding .
The Panel ordered the disputed domain name be transferred from the respondent to the complainantsource from
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