Domain names are not recorded in Hong Kong
- Website domain name using Hong Kong server can not be recorded. But in the domestic domain name service providers registered domain name is the need for real name authentication. However, it is suggested that if it is an enterprise website, it is better to put it on the domestic server. First of all, the enterprise website generally need to do promotion, in the domestic search engine promotion, it is required that the website must have the record. And although the record is more troublesome, but relatively better than free record, as long as you do not cancel access to the record of the domain name is always in, do not need to re record. And free of record space in the domestic access speed is slow, there is a risk of being screened at any time.To register a domain name, you need to choose a professional domain name service provider - Domain Name Channel.Good domain name registration to domain name channel, international domain name registration, cn domain name registration, domestic domain name registration, English domain name registration.Individuals can register domain name, but after registration, they need to upload the scanning copy of their ID card for CNNIC review. It should be noted that if CNNIC thinks there is a problem with the domain name or personal information, the audit may not pass.Domain name registration access: domain name channel